Saturday, 9 February 2008

Scope of individuality

Makes me feel like throwing up, it boaks me. Profits? A feeling of revulsion. As in the Atlas shrugged at 50, proclaim

" .. who held to his own ideas and ideals, in stark contrast to those who surrender their dreams simply for the empty approval of others."

that is true and is everywhere, in all societies and it applies for the capitalists and for the "postmodernists", and in short for any individual.

" ... are needed even more today to provide the philosophical basis for a much-needed culture of principled individualism."

I am getting confused or the message is a product of a confused mind. If the American culture is not purely or largely individualistic, why would be in need for individualism or is it the 'principled' what is in question here? I can not think any other society on earth to be more individualistic than the American society.

Individuality? It makes me think that the only individuality you talk and care about is your very own individuality, your cherished ego. Individuality thrives when it considers the individuality of all individuals, and in a society like yours the individuality that is nurtured is the individuality of a handful, hand-picked individuals ignoring all other.

And a misguided individual which at some point in her life guided by her own simplified mind, produced the work you so proclaim that proves your style, a few self-cherished concepts by the likes of you, out of the richness of concepts about. And by virtue of these few partial concepts built a worldview totally defined by her choices.

Any individuality will grow only when all individualities are let free to grow, in the farthest out freedom-to-grow version, as it can be imagined.

It is vile to mingle genuine human traits with false, empty messages. To admit that there were and are

"... pseudo-businessmen, looters who were more interested in appearance than products; who used government to extort wealth from others; and who were guilty and ashamed of their prosperity."

is not enough to exonerate the pursuit of profits for what it actually is, a scourge to humanity.

Profits? Profits? What on earth would profits give you apart from indulging your ego and spoiling your body.

" ... and who took pride in their profits and achievements."

Does humanity live for that? Profits! Is it its ultimate goal? Profits! Is what it is longing for? Profits! And what kind of achievements are these? As they are so proclaimed. Measured in hard currency?

We are but simplified minds. Our mental capacities does not allow us to be any better. Unable to include in our daily thinking everything that exists and takes place around us. And that is what we are. And fair enough.

But this is something we should always bear in mind when we take a stance, look around and address the world.

Everyone in the world that has been born and died or is born and still alive or even (may be, it depends) has not been born yet and not lived, is, or is going to be an individual with a simplified mind.

Me, you, everybody should drive that deep into mind before even think to actually do pass judgment against another person or persons.

Everybody has the potential to thrive if a chance is there to have.

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