Monday, 27 October 2008

Capitalism, objectivism, Allan Geenspan and other stuff.

I have amassed a lot of information today about labels in the American political arena. The writer of this article is WineRev and posted the entry as a comment in 'Crush their spirits' post kos in the Daily Kos website.

" Republican party taken over by the proto-fascists in an unholy combination of neo-con warmongers + theo-con American Taliban + Wall Street greedhounds."

What I am interested about is what ideas these labels serve. How people, being called as such or pursuing their interests under theses banners, are thinking about themselves. What do they profess as they are doing?

An interesting account of Ayn Rand and her capitalism by Devilstower, titled RIP John Galt. Further on, that testimony is based on what Alan Greenspan had confessed about free markets.

In need to preserve these flowing (following) thoughts for future reference.

You are truly content and fulfilled only if you are surrounded by people that are content and fulfilled. Otherwise you are as wretched and miserable as the most wretched and miserable person around you or even in the world over.

Property, the most revered aspect in the monetising societies becomes the haunt of a recluse, a cage, where you hide yourself to spare your feelings and your senses from your most wretched and miserable neighbours, the suburbs, the gated housing schemes, mere ghettos, self-imposed sanctuaries, to ostrich-hide your sensitivities from the wretchedness around you.

The laws against vagrants and beggars for loitering in high streets, your callous efforts to sweep under the proverbial carpet the rubbish you have so aptly and insensibly created. For which you are responsible for, and you must be ashamed about.