Friday, 7 November 2008

Barack Obama pledges to restore 1,500,000 jobs lost by the credit crunch. Should not.

Threads responsible for the associations brought forth

- Current credit crunch: just a bear-bull game for stock markets to play or a point of no-return in the path for re-organizing societies
- Investors shun Greek debt as shipping crisis deepens
- εργάτη πολέμα σου πίνουνε το αίμα

Credit crunch 1,500,000 U.S jobs lost thus far. And what? Do they need to be restored? Should not.

The words written by a commenter, in the 'Investors shun Greek debt as shipping crisis deepens', article who I mentioned before in 'Current credit crunch: just a bear-bull game for stock markets to play or a point of no-return in the path for re-organizing societies' post, entered my mind.

"... a destructive world economy system based on raping the planet to produce rubbishy goods most can do without is winding down. A system which requires year on year increase in rubbishy consumption and destroys families ..."

He was talking about rubbishy products.

Another commenter in the same article points out

"... de-industrialised nations that no longer produce anything but forms and pop music can start producing a real form of wealth again."

The mention of the word wealth, brought a tinge of bad taste, by virtue of their unpleasant associations. Associations that become evident when you visit websites of this sort, as this one prominently displayed on the top of search pages, as a sponsored link. Wealth, money, three or four cars? Is that the kind of wealth implied in the comment?

Wealth teeming with notions, as we have been customarily subjected to, of products being wasted as they can not be exchanged with money. From the back-alley refuse bins of supermarkets to the EU butter mountains and milk lakes, products which have not realised their goal of benefiting, with their use, the individuals they were targeted for. Wasting, simultaneously, destroying the efforts of all the people involved in their production, diminishing the value of their work and of themselves. Products which are destroyed before the end of their useful life, because they are overproduced, or fall victims of the new for old insurance policies, the insurance industry heavily promotes, therefore raw materials, and other resources, are wasted. Products have no value at all, if they are not attached with money?

It struck me that, this should not have been the kind of wealth the commenter was referring to, as there is something wrong with the word wealth, the meaning attached to it.

That is not the meaning of wealth. Wealth should not be associated with money. How some wise guy entrepreneur will make money out of. Practices that constantly interfere, and in the end, rob, subtract, instead of, add value, for the products and services offered to the public. Products have no value at all, if they are not attached with money?

These are not the products people crave for, benefit by and enjoy with. Real wealth has no need of money, no price tags attached. As it is commonly said out of popular wisdom. Money can't buy happiness, in whatever way this is construed, in the minds of every single individual.

Governments and states in their fervour to show hallmarks of a thriving economy, presumably to their public, in reality just to rub it in the face of their opposition, they are easy prey to the guile of unscrupulous entrepreneurs. Out to create jobs, out of the thin air without any consideration whether the jobs created would be of any value for the public at large.

As this blogger in one of his posts have asserted and stated

"[m] of course, I should point out, that personally I would not give, even 50 euros to someone, to do most of the jobs of the 700 euros, because the only thing these jobs produce is hot air."

In the New York Post website, in the article 'THE SHAM-FUL JOBS REPORT NEEDS OBAMA'S ATTENTION', is stated

"... even in a horrible job market and during a credit crunch as we have today, Washington believes courageous entrepreneurs are forming businesses and hiring people."

Courageous entrepreneurs forming businesses and hiring people! What a hogwash. As if any entrepreneur, is out there for other people's sake and not for his very own. That he cares about other people before his own overriding objective: make money. That with the loot stashed from 'fat cows' periods, is out to buy cheap, shattered, broken pieces, the credit crunch is leaving behind, calculating that they will worth more, when it is over.

Create new jobs? Are you kidding? We are here to make money.

No one should expect, notwithstanding people with clout, world leaders and the like to rely on entrepreneurs for any jobs to be created. Any jobs created should solely be based, by having in mind the good of the public, whether it offers a real service that people can benefit and enjoy. And not the monkey jobs, that produce nothing except thin air, rubbishy products and account for fake growth. Should not attempt to resuscitate, revive and proliferate a rotten cycle of growth.

Courageous? Anything but. First it doesn't or barely applies for them, as it is out of context and even in their own game, for whatever standards, if there are any, they abide to, within the context of making money, they will go for the easiest pickings. Corpses that offer no resistance, minimal risks involved. And unfortunately there will be plenty around, your entrepreneurs will thrive.

It is paramount to save from their clutches, jobs, industry sectors, activities that produce real products, and represent real growth and which are faced with the danger of being subjected through their ruthless criteria, which boils down to how much money will I make out of. And in the process leave behind nothing worthwhile, for the people to enjoy.

Get governments and states away from that mob, and get closer to the people.