Monday, 9 March 2009

Should demand our states to become benevolent.

I read in the article 'Entrepreneurs Are Made, Not Born! Facing 4 Fallacies',

"With many businesses the faster you want to make money the more you have to pay upfront, ...."

..the faster you want to make money the more you have to pay upfront .... Which it points to money goes to money. You need to have money to make money, something that banks follow faithfully, promptly rejecting any individual that comes along to ask for a loan without having money in his/her pockets.

Where do you get the money, therefore being wealthy, to borrow money?

The article 'The rich vs poor fallacy', in the 'The Honorable Skeptic's statements' website, by columnist Dale Husband states

"Most wealthy people grew up in wealthy families and received their money from their parents or other older relatives and thus had access to more opportunities from the very beginning, not because of their abilities but because they were lucky enough to be born in the right families. (Paris Hilton is perhaps the most notorious example.) Meanwhile, those who grew up in poverty, even if they are just as smart, beautiful, and hardworking as the average rich person, tend to remain in poverty because they have less access to the money they would need to invest, to educate themselves, and to afford the latest technologies."

So, wealthy people grew up in wealthy families, they have access to more opportunities, whereas those who grew up in poverty tend to remain in poverty, as they have less access to money to invest, to educate themselves. And this is not down to their abilities or how hard-working they are, as these attributes are bestowed upon individuals, regardless of their background.

Systems that societies follow currently, favour the individuals who have access to money, perpetrates inequality and perpetuates the rich and poor divide through time immemorial, which reluctantly or not but nevertheless acceptable by the majority of the people.

In the continuous debate on that matter, over the years the steadfast will of the human individual continuously erodes the strength of the rich and powerful, and from overseers and overlords proper, with life and limb rights over all other individuals they have now assumed new more subtle identities. Millionaires, tycoons, oil barons, successful entrepreneurs, bankers and their place amongst us continues so, as the structures of inequality in societies remain intact.

Subtle but more devious as they have to disguise themselves, fully aware that their position and their profits are highly precarious. Their influence is propagated via the medium of money. Constantly dangling the carrot of money over us, without realizing that the economic structures that so callously take advantage of, erode the fabric of the societies that they themselves are part of.

However, the matter is not for the rich to become poor or the poor to become rich, but for each individual to be left to develop the full range of his/her character and personality unhindered by the factor of money. To take away, to eliminate the factor of money.

Voices, as in the following extract are heard more nowadays

"It's time to put an end to that centuries old scam and just tax the hell of most rich people and be done with it. NO ONE deserves to be billionaires, period! It is the height of perversity for someone who has millions of dollars, including a mansion, to insist on a "right" to acquire MORE wealth and to not contribute to the upkeep of their governments and to society in general! Even most religions condemn that attitude, so there!"

In the same article, in a comment posted by a reader under the pseudonym Filus Publius, is mentioned

"In fact the ultimate Utopian society would be benevolent anarchy, since government would have no need to exist."

Are we that far from the time that governments would cease to exist? Because they would have no need to exist. Would everybody agree that's where humanity is heading to? To a benevolent anarchy? How do societies and individuals prepare for that? By exterminating the rich? By turning the poor into a mob, hence mob rule, or with majority rules and laws?

Or by each one of us, amending our thoughts and ideas into commonly accepted goals, the ensure the right of each individual to hold his/her fate in life into his/her very own hands?

Should demand our states to become benevolent.

Politicians in government to take affront in the view of people loosing their homes, wandering destitute in car parks and other public areas or people searching for food in supermarket and restaurant bins. A failure on their part and a matter that beckons, demands their resignation. People's lives matter more than the well-being of banks, stock markets or other financial institutions.

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