I read the post "Innovate or Die: Why creativity is economic priority number one"
let my chaotic mind create ... What is create? Is it, all there is to be of creativity, the creativity that is worth for individuals, only in the field of big-dollar economy? That it worths more than any other manifestation that creativity can assume.
Certainly not. Mark Mcguiness, the author of the article, I am reading now, points out one more aspect of creativity. As he mentions that
"Did all those hard-nosed business people suddenly decide there was more to life than capitalism and give up chasing dollars so they could express their artistic soul?"
... another aspect of creativity, the 'artistic soul'. Which by the way, it doesn't look that the author thinks, that 'hard-nosed business people' appreciate creativity that much, as they will not give up the chase of the dollars for the sake of creativity.
The chase of the dollars, and in its altar creativity is sacrificed, a crime perpetrated, the abuse of creativity. A drive towards taking advantage of creativity and with that the creators, to squeeze every dollar possible out of innovations, and once it is done, creativity and creators become a burden, a refuse material which can be discarded at will.
Creativity, its very use, lasts, as far as dollars are made. Tainted creativity, more likely, deeply seated in the monstrosity they call economy? Economy is about people, lives of individuals and not the dollars, that hard-nosed business people, will make.
What kind of creativity is that, which is forced, single-minded, streamlined to the all-consuming priority, to make more dollars for the hard-nosed business-people. What kind of products and services would such creativity sustains?
The priority being not how would better people, how would people enjoy the products and services the hard-nosed business people offer, but how many dollars the hard-nosed business people will make out of it.
Creativity thus employed where its goal is to make big business people more dollars, will fail as it will constantly ignore and go against the aspect of products and services, people are interested in as such a perspective is not included by the providers.
The so-called creativity to be used to dupe and manipulate people, to disguise the products and services on offer, all in the name of the gain of even more dollars. A respite, that forces people to spit out and reject the products and services thus provided.
I should paraphrase the example of the new land of creative opportunity being the tip of the very large economic iceberg. The economic iceberg which its bulk made out of people and their lives that the big-dollar economy at the tip takes advantage of, using creativity as the means to ammass enormous profits, forgetfull of the fact of what makes, what sustains the tip, is the people that without them there would be no iceberg at all.
Economy is, and it has always been about people, that make up the bulk of icebergs, and without them, there would be no hard-nose business people, either.
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