Monday, 17 January 2011

An ode to ..the State

to @Number10gov, @UKParliament

safety rule book .. as heavy as it ever can be .. so heavy .. that individuals can feel its impact .. when it is brought unto their heads ..

ignorance of the law .. is never acceptable .. how many times .. it is pounded upon hapless ears .. this very minute .. all over this country .. the whole world ..

you are supposed to be .. nothing else ..but excellent .. no other state of mind .. is ever allowed ..

human individuals .. full of imperfections .. and out of all the human individuals .. it's a miracle how the perfect standard for an individual emerges ..

to compare against .. and find, naturally, all individuals wanted .. immensely less .. than the standard created, and held as a banner ..

what it can not be achieved .. nevertheless is claimed .. under false pretences .. falsifying their very own selves .. undeservently .. society demands it ..

the whole society .. is built upon a lie .. tries people hard .. lies upon lies perpetrated by people .. in their vain attempts .. to stand-up to the standard ..

it is time to declare the standard false .. and never to abide by it .. free the individual from the inane pursuit to achieve it .. let them be themselves

let them be ..mistakes that pass as people ..

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