Saturday 9 April 2011

Egypt. Military personnel asserting themselves.

Protests against Egypt's military council continue

By the CNN Wire StaffApril 9, 2011 -- Updated 1330 GMT (2130 HKT)

"On Friday, some soldiers joined the protests in a direct challenge to Egypt's military rulers. For long intervals, they took to one of the stages erected in the crowded square and called for the country's military rulers to be replaced."

"Earlier this week, several military officers took to the internet, recording video statements accusing the chairman of the ruling council, Field Marshal Mohammed Tantawi, of protecting Mubarak from prosecution and of leading a counterrevolutionary movement."

.. now you are talking .. it is a disgrace .. a slap in the face of the human individual .. armies, police .. at the hands .. at the mercy .. of abusers of power .. given to them by people .. and what do they do .. they use them against the people ..

the most inane drawback ... humanity suffers from ..

military personnel aserting themselves .. identifying with their roots .. their personality traits prevailing in the execution of orders .. not a robotic 'arm' .. to do as their commanding officers dictate .. 'blind' instruments of war .. a trend that started .. in America itself .. if I am not mistaken ..

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